5 Things You Should Know About a Web Design Agency Before Hiring It
Deciding on a web designer is like going on a first date. A person should discover a lot about this new individual then decide whether they are compatible. Going for the wrong designer could ruin a business.
According to 48% of consumers, website design is the top factor to determine the credibility of a business. Also, 38% of people will not engage with a website when the content and layout is unattractive. The following are 5 things they need to consider when choosing a web design agency:
Take a look at the Agency’s Portfolio
Aesthetics are essential to a website design. Studies say that two-thirds of consumers prefer to look at a strikingly beautiful website for 15 minutes than one that is plain.
When businesses want to draw more customers and boost revenue they need a preset-day, creative design that considers their website visitors. People can look at a web design agency’s portfolio before going any further. Here they can view the company’s past projects.
Know More about Website Features
Web designers can include banners, headers, images, maps and all other features into a website. There are agencies that create customized websites where they get to choose the features that best suit their business. Some offer all-in-one solutions or “off-the-shelf “software. Initially, bespoke sites are more expensive as well as time-consuming but these give a long-time return on their investment.
Search Top-Performing Web Design Agencies on Google
Web design agencies that have a high ranking on Google have probably mastered SEO, the process of getting traffic from search engines. The companies that are found on page one of search engine results page (SERPS) use SEO techniques such as keyword search and competitor analysis. Those who are searching for the best web design agencies that can optimize their page for lead generation; can search for the high-ranking companies on Google.
Ask Many Questions
Before signing up for the services of a web agency, they should ask all the possible questions. Even if they see the information they need on the company’s website, they should also speak to any of the staff to find out more about them.
For instance, they get a quote for the services required. They should ask if the hidden fees and additional costs are included in the price. Not all web agencies are transparent when it comes to their prices so people should ask for a full estimate for their project. Also, they can ask regarding customer service principles and accessible design practices.
Learn More about Page Loading Times
A multitude of website users consider page loading times as a pet peeve. Slow-loading pages can increase churn rate or the number of visitors who land on your site then suddenly click the “back” button. It is best to choose a web design agency that creates striking pages that never slow down their site.
Web elements that increase loading times by a few seconds can harm their sales. Studies say that pages that have a 2.4 second loading time have a 12.8% bounce rate. Those with a 3.3 second loading time have a considerably higher bounce rate of 20%.